Atyrau, July 27 05:38
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TCO to provide gas to new gas chemical complex in Atyrau

4 159 просмотрs

The first ever gas chemical complex to be built in Atyrau region will function using gas from Tengiz field.

"In line with the memorandum concluded with Tengizchevroil LLP, the largest energy company will provide the new facility with 7 billion cubic meters of dry gas, 550 thousand cubic meters of propane and 440 thousand cubic meters of butane per year. For the short haul, this will be enough. In due course with expansion of the production at the gas chemical complex, we will use gas from Karabatan field," announced Director of Petrochemical Industry and Technical Regulation of the Kazakh Ministry of Oil and Gas Sholpan Khaidargaliyeva.


July 18 2013, 17:28

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