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Kazakhstan to enjoy three days off on Astana Day

5 657 просмотрs

People of Kazakhstan will have three days off - July 6-8, said Zhanar Kolbachayeva, head of media group that is covering preparation and celebration of the 15th anniversary of the country's capital city, reports IA Novosti-Kazakhstan.

"The official non-working days are July 6 and 7. As the Day of Astana falls on Saturday, by law, we will be off on July 8, the following Monday," she said at a briefing. 

Ms Kolbachayeva also noted that festive events will commence in Astana starting July 4 after a flag-raising ceremony.

She added that holiday program lists twenty concerts and festivals and nearly 50 public events including sport competitions and music contests.


June 19 2013, 14:35

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