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Two cops sacked after sheltering brothel - police media service

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Police officers, who were caught red-handed in sheltering prostitutes and tried to hiddenly escape in women's clothes, have been sacked from police, according to media service of the provincial police.

"Upon the order of the head of Atyrau Oblast Internal Affairs Department, the two police officers were dismissed. That morning after work, police employees were being delivered home, but these two came off at that street, and then, as it became clear, went to that apartment," the press release reads, emphasizing that patrol service commanders are currently being reprimanded.

To recall, on May 25, residents of one of apartment blocks in Atyrau attempted to catch two police officers, who have been providing protection to prostitutes living and working in an underground brothel organized in the apartment.

Pensioners had called police, the squad arrived but did not enter 'the harbour' just staying outside and the two cops were not arrested.

Later, outraged neighbors submitted a formal complaint to police initiating official investigation.


May 27 2013, 15:10

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