Members of a scandalous Ukrainian feminist protest group said they have long been "watching" Kazakhstan and even thinking of opening here a branch office for their Asian followers.
According to the topless movement, for today, over three hundred women worldwide are its members. Yet, not a single one in Central Asia.
"We know about kidnapping women and the tradition of bride stealing in your country. We know women find it difficult to go out for protest. I think, women of Kazakhstan do not deserve such a destiny. FEMEN protests in your country can exist. The only thing needed is the desire and courage of Kazakhstan's women," writes CA-News citing the movement activist Yana Gutsol as saying.
To recall, on April 8, when Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel were standing next to a Volkswagen roll-up at Hannover Trade Fair, a few representatives of the Ukrainian movement FEMEN breached the guard rails, stripped to waist and chanted obscene slogans in English at Putin. The same obscenities were written on their bodies.