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April Fool's Day pranks of 2013

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Companies on April 1 come up with creative ideas to befool and mislead users. Like every year, it happened this year too. Here's our pick of some of the top April Fool's Day 2013 hoaxes.

This year BMW have announced the launch of their limited edition BMW P.R.A.M. (Postnatal Royal Auto Mobile) with the headline 'Your P.R.A.M. Ma'am'. 



Virgin announced the world's first glass-bottomed plane on April 1 - created to ensure passengers can enjoy both an unparalleled flying experience, as well as a selection of stunning landscapes from the comfort of their seats. 









YouTube posted a video announcing that the eight-year-old site that is now the world's most popular online video destination is downing its shutters for a decade. But before it deletes all those millions of hours of video, YouTube has also empanelled judges to select that one definitive video and that the winner will be declared when the website goes back online in 2023. 



Sergey Ivanov, the LDPR party deputy to the Russian State Duma proposed the draft of the legislation concerning “Protection of citizens from consequences of garlic consumption” for Duma review. He said that he later will withdraw his proposal but, nevertheless, this draft has so much truth in it, said the deputy.








Kazakhstan national football team “Kairat” made an announcement that it signed a 2-year contract with the world football star Ronaldino.

Happy April Fool’s Day!


April 1 2013, 20:46

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