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Difference in payment of Kazakh and foreign employees is 11-fold – Ministry of Labor

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Over 100 instances of difference in salaries between foreigners and Kazakhstan citizens have been revealed during the first two months of 2013. In some companies the difference is as high as 11-fold, Yernur Burakhan, the official representative of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection reported at the briefing on Wednesday.

“According to the results of audits, the salary difference in some of the companies is 11 times high. In Atyrau branch of “Expertise S.R.L.” local quality assurance engineer’s salary is 170 674 tenge, and the salary of his expat colleague is 1 000 908 tenge. In Kazakhstan branch of “Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V.” in West Kazakhstan Oblast there 10 instances of disproportion has been revealed”, - said Burakhan.

According to his report, the conducted analysis showed that the majority of expats are specialists and managers. They make 79.5% and foreign tradesmen make 20.5%.

“Expats mainly work in construction industry – 44%. On the 2nd place is the mining (extractive) industry – 16.3%, then comes the service sector - 11%, and in manufacturing industry – 9.8%”, - noted the Minister.

“In two months of this year we have conducted 190 unscheduled audits during which we revealed 108 instances of salary disproportions in 51 companies. Among those - 6 companies were local and 45 companies were with foreign participation.

“The majority of foreign employees who were identified with salary disproportions were the representatives of China. The Oblasts where the violations took place are as follows:  Kyzylorda - 9, Atyrau - 8, the South-Kazakhstan - 6 and Almaty – 5”, - concluded Burakhan.

March 29 2013, 11:11

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