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Karachaganak Petroleum Operating the leader among companies with disparities in salaries. Are Uzbekistan really going to the World Cup? Everything you wanted to know about the qualification campaign for Brazil 2014

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KAZINFORM - Karachaganak Petroleum Operating the leader among companies with disparities in salaries - "One of the examples is the following: earnings of a foreign engineer of the first level division of well operation amount to KZT 2,675,426, while a citizen of Kazakhstan doing the same job gets KZT 375,823, it is seven times less, " he said.

The Daily Mail - Are Uzbekistan really going to the World Cup? Everything you wanted to know about the qualification campaign for Brazil 2014 - Uzbekistan are one win away from going to their first World Cup. The world’s 59th-ranked team, whose players grace the Uzbek, South Korean, Russian, Chinese and Kazakh leagues, have to beat Qatar at home or South Korea away to reach Brazil.

Asia Plus - Call in Tajikistan for prohibiting cousin marriages - A female lawmaker in the lower house (Majlisi Namoyandagon) of Tajikistan’s parliament has proposed prohibiting cousin marriages in the country.

The Telegraph - Cypriots face draconian cash controls to stop run on banks - Cyprus has imposed draconian capital controls including a total ban on cheques and a €300 (£253) daily limit on cash withdrawals in a bid to stem panic when the country’s banks reopen today.

Deutsche Welle - Neo-Nazi trial harms Germany's image in Turkey - Criticism is growing in Turkey that Turkish media have not been admitted to the forthcoming trial of the NSU terror group, eight of whose victims were Turks. Experts are warning of damage to Germany's image.

Fars News - BRICS Fails to Establish Joint Development Bank - Finance ministers of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) countries failed to come to an agreement on a common development bank at the summit in South Africa, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said.

Trend - Minister: Turkey may freeze Samsun-Ceyhan project - If the Turkish company Çalık Holding is unable to find another partner besides the Italian company Eni, Turkey may freeze the Samsun-Ceyhan oil pipeline project, Turkish Energy and Natural Resources Minister Taner Yildiz said in an interview with CNN Türk TV channel on Wednesday.



March 28 2013, 12:31

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