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Soil contamination found in Karabatan Ecology

Soil contamination found in Karabatan

A huge soil contamination was spotted in the area of NCOC’s Gas Processing Plant in Karabatan, posing such a risk that a single spark may cause big fire and spread to the plant. The pollution covers both the plant area and neighboring territories. The latter had been the location of the major contractor of Agip and NCOC – the Italian Bonatti Company, which finalized its activities inKarabatan and has almost been withdrawn from the project.  September 8 2012, 16:03 4 951 просмотрs
Shezhire: Kazakh Family Tree Culture

Shezhire: Kazakh Family Tree

The legend goes that the Prophet Noah after the Great Flood left the arc and built the house, planted trees and the life took its own course. He was called ‘the second Adam’ and his three sons Sam, Ham and Japheth gave life to new generations of people. Kazakhs believe that Japheth became their progenitor, who in his turn had three sons: Chin, Turan and Chin-Mazhin. We believe that we descended from the middle son Turan, who gave birth to Turks, Massagets, Kassakhs, Sakhs, etc.  September 7 2012, 15:59 17 682 просмотрs
From curiosity to tango world Culture

From curiosity to tango world

Our reader Mira Kartbayeva in her article tells about tango, a fascinating dance that won the worldwide success before and after WWI, had its Golden Age in the mid 1930s and its Dark Ages in 1955 when it was persecuted and pushed underground and then again had a fabulous renaissance throughout the world. She also tells about her tango instructor Daniel Pasquino, who after his work hours teaches tango in Atyrau. September 7 2012, 13:03 5 270 просмотрs
Police colonel to commit suicide if fails test Other News

Police colonel to commit suicide if fails test

Recently a newspaper from Uralsk published an article titled Colonel Uteshev Promised to Kill Himself. Certainly, the news attracted readers’ interest by describing the non-nonsense rage occurred in the oblast’s police department after an unscheduled evaluation of police officers. The story tells that the head of internal security at the oblast police department Kuangali UTESHEV was shocked when two days after showing excellent performance at the test he was suggested to resign.   September 7 2012, 12:54 3 649 просмотрs