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Big oil and gas forum opens in Astana

2 189 просмотрs


Starting February 14, Astana hosts a forum of oil and gas companies and KazNefteGasService-2013 conference under its auspices.

Target of the forum is to provide Kazakh service companies with medium term plans on procurement of goods, works and services, first of all in Tengizchevroil’s future growth project [nearly $20bn within 5 years].

The forum welcomes the responsible secretary of Kazakhstan’s oil and gas ministry K. Safinov, vice minister of industry and new technologies N. Sauranbayev, deputy CEO of Kazmunaygas national company M. Mirzagaliyev and other reps of sectoral ministries, associations, around 250 domestic manufacturers, as well as heads of foreign service companies associations from Norway, France and Russia, and 140 oil and gas companies that form procurement plans.

February 14 2013, 16:58

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