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$ 474.83
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₽ 5.50

Sturgeon farm to open in Aktau

2 832 просмотрs

Designing of a commercial sturgeon farm with closed water supply system began in 2009 after the introduction of the presidential "Industrialization Map" in the region. 

T403mln was spent to buy closed water supply units of Russian production that will speed up maturation and growth of the sturgeon.

The farm covers an area of 4 hectares and occupies a 2200-sq.m premise in the village of Akshukur, near Aktau.

In March, the pools will be filled with water. Opening of the farm will create another 60 jobs.

The farm will be run by ichtyologists, fish breeders, engineers and laboratory personnel working two shifts.

The facility's annual production capacity is 60 tons commercial sturgeon.

Closed water supply units will ensure continuous growth of fish in temperatures above 12 Celcius degrees.

The first product is expected for 2014. The fish will be delivered alive, right from the pools to the shops in the city and outskirts.

After 5-6 years it is planned to produce caviar of sturgeon and sterlet.

The enterprize will receive quotas to deliver fish to entire Kazakhstan within two years after the production starts, and to Iran, Russia and other CIS countries after 5-6 years.


February 12 2013, 15:05

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