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Striking drillmen resumed work in Mangystau

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Drilling personnel of Xibu engineering and drilling company resumed work after meeting with Mangystau governor, reports citing media service of Mangystau Oblast akimat.

On January 26, the governor of Mangystau Oblast Alik Aidarbayev met with strikers at the fields of Jetybai and Severnie Buzachi within his work trip to the region. Representatives of Xibu LLP management also attended the meetings.

During the meetings the sides discussed the current situation and affirmed the necessity to stick to labor legislation when organizing protests.

In a topical and constructive dialogue it was agreed that employers would pay a 13th salary to the workers, reads the message from the akimat.  

To recall, over 800 employees of Xibu company went on strike demanding salary increase.

January 27 2013, 23:02

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