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Kazakhstan To Resume Flights To Egypt In March

5 521 просмотрs

Image 0Kazakhstan plans to resume direct passenger flights to Egypt in March.

Kazakhstan's Investments and Development Ministry said on February 24 that the flights between Almaty and the Egyptian resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh will be operated by Fly Egypt and the Kazakh airline SCAT.

Kazakh authorities suspended flights to Egypt in November after a crash of a Russian passenger plane in the Sinai Peninsula on October 31.

Authorities say 224 people were killed when an Airbus A321, owned by the Russian airliner Kogalymavia, crashed shortly after it took off from Sharm el-Sheikh for a planned flight to St. Petersburg.

Investigators determined that an explosive device was detonated aboard the plane, and suggested an Egyptian airport employee loaded explosives into the baggage compartment.

Russian officials have said the crash was the result of a terrorist attack.


February 24 2016, 16:31

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