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Akimat discussed employment with ANPZ

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On January 21, Akimat of Atyrau Oblast, Atyrau Refinery and Sinopece Engineering signed the memorandum of cooperation on employment of Kazakhstan workforce released from Bolashak plant construction project, as well as unemployed people of the region.

This was reported by the Deputy Governor Shyngys Mukan at the briefing.

According to memorandum, Atyrau Refinery and Sinopec Engineering, Kazakhstan branch of Chinese company, assume liabilities to participate in the solution of unemployment issues in Atyrau Oblast by creating workplaces and hiring unemployed people.

It is specified in the memorandum that in accordance with the schedule, in 2013, Atyrau Refinery Reconstruction and Modernization Project will employ 1,040 people.

By Saule Tasboulatova

January 21 2013, 14:51

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