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TCO is to blame for power failure

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KEGOC, the republican electricity grid operating company, stated that it has nothing to do with the power failure that took place on January 3 at Tengizchevroil facilities.  Earlier TCO press service reported that one of the reasons was “malfunction of KEGOC’s system”.

Power engineers consider this statement to be “incorrect”.   

KEGOC’s statement reads: “On Jan 3, 2013 power failure took place at GTES-3 (gas turbine station) with the capacity loss of 57 MW. Due to load increase on two 110kW lines, belonging to TCO, one of the power lines failed and was cut off by TCO dispatcher. However, due to non-observance of loading mode by TCO operations personnel, the protective relay system cut off the second 110 kW power line. The accident demonstrates the technological violations at TCO facilities, as well as low operational readiness of 110 kW lines. Currently KEGOC at the request of TCO, provides technical assistance on fixing the fault on the line.”       

In its turn the RoK State Energy Supervision Committee announced about the start of investigation of the reasons for power failure.  
Energonadzor (Energy Auditing) website states that none of TCO gas turbine stations has received passports of operational preparedness for heating period.   


January 9 2013, 19:05

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