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City obliges business to shovel snow away

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Atyrau city authorities are bringing entrepreneurs to cleaning snow. 

Not on a volutary basis - failure to fulfill the obligation will lead to civil account, according to the decision approved by city council on December 12, 2012.

A few business people applied to Ak Zhaik:

"As per the decision, we have to keep clean the area in the 10m radius around our facilities. We had been doing that before the decision, collecting snow nearby. But SpecAvtoBaza [special municipal vehicles organization] is no longer taking snow away,  now we should do that on our own. If we need to hire trucks, why we need communal services then?"

In the city akimat [city hall] we received a short comment - "Well, guys, it'll be like this from now. No discussion any more."

"Moreover, it is prohibited to dump snow onto road sides after cleaning an area. This refers to secondary roads as well, says Serik KABDOLOV, media secretary of city akimat. - One mustn't gather snow on lanes or near trees. One should take snow away on his/her own and dump it in designated areas near Elevatornaya and SpecAvtoBaza."


January 9 2013, 10:11

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