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Tony Blair's business is prospering

1 544 просмотрs

Windrush Ventures, which provides management services for Blair’s government advisory service, has nearly doubled its revenues over two years and paid tax of £447,000, reports The Sunday Time.

Blair uses an elaborate group of companies and partnerships for his worldwide operations, but does not disclose earnings from either his foreign government advisory service or his business consultancy, Tony Blair Associates.

Windrush accounts suggest business is booming. The company, with a staff of 29, had revenues of £16.07m in the year to March 2012 and operating costs of £12.6m.

Blair is reluctant to provide information on his list of clients, but The Sunday Times revealed last year how he had negotiated a new advisory contract with Kazakhstan. Blair’s team is advising on public procurement, regulatory reform and green growth.

January 8 2013, 16:56

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