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​CEO of KazMunayGas EP resigned

2 108 просмотрs

Image 1Director General of KazMunayGas Exploration&Production (KMG EP) Abat Nurseitov resigned from his position, reads the company's press service report.

KMG EP Board of Directors satisfied his resignation application in connection with his transfer to another work. Christopher Hopkinson, the chairman of the board of directors thanked Nurseitov for his significant contribution during the stabilization period of the company activity. His CEO duties have been assigned to the Deputy General Manager for Economics and Finance - Dastan Abdulgafarov. "The decision on appointment of new CEO will be made by board of directors of KMG EP soon and the Company will report it immediately", - press service of the company added.

Image 0Abat Nurseitov was elected Director General in Janaury 2013. He replaced then Alik Aidarbaev, who held this position before him. Nurseitov worked in KMG EP since October 2006. His position prior to CEO duties was Deputy Director General for Production.

Source: tengrinews Photo 1: Abat Nurseitov, Photo 2: Dastan Abdulgafarov

Translated by Zeena Urynbassarova

September 8 2015, 11:50

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