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Weather forecast for January

1 897 просмотрs

Local synoptics promise a warmer January this year.

As said by the head of meteorology in Atyrau department of Kazgidromet -- country's weather forecast agency -- noticeable warming is expected from early January to mid-second. For this period temperature fluctuations are expected in the afternoon from -1 to +4 Celcius degrees, sometimes from -6 of frost up to +4, +9 heat, at nights from -11, -16 to -1, -6 frost.

From the middle of the month till the middle of the third part of it night temperatures will cool down to -13, -18, sometimes -23, -28, and -1, -4 during days, sometimes -9, -14.

East of the oblast (Makat and Zhylyoi districts) will see more-than-normal precipitations and the rest of the area as usual - 6-15mm.

It will be snowing in the first and second ten-day period and the last days of the month; we will see fogs and ice-ups in early and mid-January.



January 8 2013, 09:19

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