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Guy from Atyrau remade Gangnam Style

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An 18-year-old young man Kadirbek NAZIROV from Atyrau never dreamed of fame, but his video parody of 'Gangnam Style' clip, which is originally of the South Korean comedian singer Psy, scored 70,000 views on Youtube in just a month.

Atyrau version of Gangnam Style is now gaining popularity in all social networks as quickly as the wind.

Kadirbek is a manager in an Internet cafe. Also, he has been famous in Atyrau by brilliantly performing Michael Jackson's dances at weddings, birthdays and other occasions.

"For the first time I watched PSY's videoclip in September. The idea of shooting a remake came to my mind much later. I found that one of my friends looked alike the guy in an episode with an elevator. Then I tried sunglasses on and realized that I too resembled the main character, he says. - So, we shot the 'elevator' episode only. To begin with it was just a joke, but we enjoyed it very much and decided to go on. We posted an invitation in social networks for boys and girls to take part in the video."

30 people responded and after a casting we chose the most talented 12. After a few rehearsals we proceeded to filming.

"We tried to put as much various characters as possible in our video to make it dynamic and pompous. Despite cold weather we filmed many outdoor episodes in order to show our city. It wasn't as easy as it may seem - we used to spend 3-4 hours over a month shooting the clip" Kadirbek says.    

Not only he performed the main role, but he was the script writer and director of the video. His friend Yerniyaz KUMAROV was the cameraman. The guys edited the video on their own.

"There are lots of Gangnam style parodies in the Internet, but we think ours is more lively. It was not an ambition - we just enjoyed doing it. Of course, we didn't expect such a success. Now we are thinking of other ideas" the young men said.


January 4 2013, 15:21

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