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Locals should be a priority - Vice Minister of Oil Tolumbayev

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On December 27, at a meeting of the oblast's core group, Deputy Oil and Gas Minister Berik TOLUMBAYEV appreciated the decision of Atyrau Oblast Akimat on transition of OblTransGas -- local domestic gas supply company -- to the books of national gas operator KazTransGas.

"This will help better manage networks, observe safety and maintain gas prices which are lower than in other regions," he said.

Chinese companies that execute two projects at Atyrau Refinery [Complex of Aromatics Production and High Refining of Oil] are insisting on additional attraction of Chinese specialists citing lack of qualified specialists in the local labor market.

Tolumbayev absolutely disagrees on this point.

"For January 3, we have invited Chinese representatives to our ministry for a meeting where we will be defending the priority of local workforce" he said.

Oil Ministry's attitude is the same concerning Tengizchevroil's projects:

"Future Growth Project [FGP] and Wellhead Pressure Management Project [WPMP] have not been submitted to the ministry yet. We will be insisting that they should attract local specialists."


January 3 2013, 10:44

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