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Freezing Islands

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NCOC oil consortium responded to our editorial enquiry about the situation on A and D islands (North-Caspian offshore project). To recall, due to weather conditions the islands were frozen in (see – “Kashagan cut off from big land, as east wind drives water away”) and food supply lines have been interrupted.  Information was received about protest moods among the workers of CAPE and Kentech contracting companies (up to 300 people), particularly, because of the impossibility to leave the islands at the end of work rotation.

Erikzhan Issengaliev, NCOC general manager on stakeholder issues, in fact, confirmed our information. He advised that due to cold snaps and strong winds the water level dropped in navigation areas in northeast part of the Caspian Sea and caused temporary delay of vessels’ access to A and D islands.

– Currently these temporary difficulties are resolved by the consortium and its contracting organizations. Part of the workforce has already left the islands on the eve of the New Year's holidays, and the remaining workforce has been provided with everything they need, – advised Issengaliev. As to agitation among the workers, he said the following:

– Part of the employees of contracting companies addressed the management to give clarification on changes to rotation schedule and payment.

– Management of these contracting companies held meetings with their workers and resolved the issues. After that the workers resumed duties. The situation is under control, – assured the consortium.

By Laura Suleimenova

December 28 2012, 18:55

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