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Chairman of Atyrau city court appointed

2 186 просмотрs

Laura Suleшmenova

By the decree of the President of Kazakhstan Almat Ermanov has been appointed the chairman of Atyrau city court.

Ermanov Almat was born in 1972 in Karmakshy village, Kyzyl-Orda Oblast. In 1997 he graduated from the Kazakh state legal university. He started his career as the investigator of state investigation committee of Kyzyl-Orda Oblast. Later he worked as KNB (National Security Committee) operative in Baikonur city and the judge of specialized economic court of Kyzyl-Orda regional court. On January 12 A. Ermanov was introduced to the heads of local authorities, law enforcement agencies and judiciary. The meeting took place at the regional court building.  Let us remind that the former chairman of the city court Malik Gabdullin has unfortunatly passed away. (see “The chairman of city court Malik Gabdullin passed away”).

January 13 2015, 10:05

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