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Death in “Renaissance” Hotel

3 642 просмотрs

By Zulfiya Bainekeeva

On September 29 at 21.10 in one of the rooms of “Renaissance” hotel the dead body of the guest was found.

According to Gulnazira Mukhtarova, press service head of Internal Affairs Department, there were no violence traces on the corpse.

- An examination has been appointed. The dead person, born in 1977, was the citizen of India, - said G. Mukhtarova.

According to other information, he was the citizen of the United Arab Emirates of the Indian descent. The employee of one of the foreign companies rented a room and according to the information gathered by the police, his body was in the room for 2 days before they discovered it. It is supposed that the death was caused by heart attack.

Since the incident took place on the first day of the Forum of interregional cooperation of Kazakhstan and Russia, they say that the body was discovered only because the staff was going to prepare the room for high-ranking guests of the Forum, and allegedly, for the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov.

Hotel staff say that it was a standard room and for sure it wasn’t intended for the minister of the Russian Federation.

October 8 2014, 17:15

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