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NCOC presented state-of art tomograph to children

2 811 просмотрs

By Zulfiya Bainekeeva

Atyrau regional children's hospital received a 500 million tenge worth multispiral computer tomograph (made in the USA) from NCOC as a sponsorship.

- The original make of GeneralElectric corporation, this medical equipment is capable to screen the whole human body, from head to foot, - says the neurosurgeon and the radiologist of the regional children's hospital - Saulebai Baizhanov.

- This is the latest model and is capable of making 64 tomographic virtual images (‘slices’). As a comparison, the tomography that is used at the central regional hospital is capable of making 16 images. It fixes any changes of organic character that have physical manifestations. For example, a tumor in a brain or in the other part of the body.

- Are there any abnormal changes that this device cannot reflect?

- It cannot show molecular changes that have no physical outlines. For example, kidney diseases can't be detected , unless there are changes in kidney sizes. Also blood diseases are not possible to detect. They are diagnosed through blood analysis.

This state-of-art device was only available in Astana and Almaty. Now we have it in our city. The vendor arrived here to install the device and physicians went through a special training in order to be able to operate it. We have today two radiologists and five laboratory assistants who can work with the tomograph. They screen brain, thorax, abdominal cavity, tubular bones, waist part of the body and a backbone.

Kids can get screening on the tomography if they have the prescription from their doctor or on a paid basis.

Photo by Kanat Eleuov

September 24 2014, 12:25

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