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FinPol sends another audit team to Atyrau

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According to our sources, the audit initiated by prosecutors and financial police in summer to check the team of ex-governor B. Ryskaliyev has come to an end. Soon after the investigators returned home, another group of FinPol examiners arrived in Atyrau with a task to check… the results provided by their colleagues.  

According to the official statements of the RoK Agency for Countering Economic and Corruption Crimes, the first team from FinPol reported that in August and September, 2012, 13 criminal proceedings were launched over corruption crimes committed by officials of the Oblast Akimat and contractor organizations.

As per early assessment, the amount of damage to the state makes 16bn tenge. Several officials of both the oblast and the city akimats, as well as of contractor organizations were arrested. 5 persons claimed wanted. Another 8 proceedings were initiated against corrupt members of B. Ryskaliyev’s team between October 2 and 8.

Damage to the state within these 8 cases is estimated at almost 14bn tenge. Given this, the combined amount of stolen money equals 30bn tenge (nearly $200mln).

The newly arrived investigators are thoroughly re-checking many facts established in August-October. As an example, they are physically checking the work done by contractors, etc.

The target of the repeated audit is to confirm and specify the results provided by the previous FinPol investigators, and possibly, to find more facts of financial abuse in Atyrau.

The rumors that the new FinPol messengers are investigating into stealing in oil sector (illegal procedures of refining unregistered oil and illegal selling of fuel) are neither confirmed nor denied.

By the way, Atyrau’s refinery was recently thoroughly audited by Samruk Kazyna, its owner. No details were provided.   


October 31 2012, 16:55

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