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Communists requested free ride for pensioners

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On August 13, the Atyrau oblast branch of Kazakhstan People's Communist Party (KNPK) at the plenary session approved a letter addressed to the city akim Serik AIDARBEKOV and City Maslikhat.

In the letter, communists demanded that pensioners should be granted free ride in public transport at all bus routes without exception:  

- In Astana, pensioners travel for free. Why don't we implement such a rule in Atyrau? said Yerbolat DAULETKAZIYEV, First Chairman of the Oblast Party Committee. - Our city is as expensive as the capital, therefore retired people need social support.

He also claimed that KNPK representatives, until very recently, were regularly denied from participation in activities held in the oblast, allegedly for being 'oppositionists':

- Other parties are allowed to freely join any event, except us -- we are constantly being sent to ... Nur Otan to obtain permission, although our party holds seats in the parliament! 

Besides, communists discussed the need to actively attract young people to the party and received 5 university students to the fold the same day.


October 18 2012, 16:13

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