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The Silence of Kcell

1 945 просмотрs

Today, on October 12, at 12.00, Kcell mobile network coverage in Atyrau went off. It is still unknown when the network will appear again.

Kcell's client support operators in Almaty said the company is currently carrying out maintenance works, but they could not advise the completion time. In the afternoon, their colleagues in Atyrau branch told us the network would appear in two hours.

- An equipment failure occurred. Technical staff is sorting out the problem. We hope to restore network shortly. The causes of failure have not been established yet, says Salamat ISMAGAMBETOV, director of Atyrau Branch of Kcell. - Please accept our apologies for the temporary inconveniences. Likely, Kcell will provide its clients with material compensation in the form of free talking minutes or text messages.

According to our sources, the similar thing happened in the other cities of West Kazakhstan as well - Uralsk, Aktobe and Aktau. But there, failures were eliminated promptly after a short lack of network. 



October 12 2012, 16:26

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