- Kazakh ambassador denies pushing Italy to deport dissident's wife - Kazakhstan's ambassador to Rome on Wednesday denied his government had pressured the Italian interior minister to deport the wife and daughter of a dissident oligarch in a case that threatened to bring down the fragile coalition government.
Wall Street Journal - Asian Governments Commit to Strengthening Anti-Corruption Authorities - Countries in the Asia-Pacific region committed on Thursday to step up their efforts in fighting corruption. Four countries didn’t participate, according to a review of the attendees; China, Kazakhstan, Palau and Papua New Guinea didn’t appear on a list of participants. Australia had an observer at the seminar. - On the Path of Ancestors – The “On the Path of the Ancestors” rally includes former ambassador to Kazakhstan and current vice-president of the Kazakhstan-Hungary Business Council János Németh and BRV-Phönix Ltd owner Tamás Vincze, among others interested in “strengthening historical connections with the Magyars’ descendants in the Argyn and Kypshak tribes; rendering assistance in the development of business contacts between Hungarian and Kazakh mass-media, chambers of commerce and industry in the Kostanai and Kyzylorda regions.”
Star investigation - Drugged horses slipping through ‘inadequate’ food system - The horse “passport” Canada relies on to keep toxic meat off dinner tables around the world is open to fraud and error, a Star investigation reveals.
Plastemart - Rominserv will provide project management consultancy services and training for the construction of an ample petrochemical complex in Kazakhstan - Rominserv, part of the Rompetrol Group, will provide project management consultancy services and training for the construction of an ample petrochemical complex in Kazakhstan, an investment exceeding US$6 bln. The complex is located in Atyrau, near KazMunayGas Refinery (installed processing capacity – 5.5 mln tons) and Tengiz, Karachaganak and Kashagan oilfields.
Allaboutfeed - Kazakhstan’s 2013 grain harvest expected to be 15 mln tonnes - Kazakhstan, central Asia's largest grain producer, is expected to harvest around 15 million tonnes of grain by bunker weight this year, a senior Agriculture Ministry official said on Tuesday.
Financial Times - Kazakhstan opens way for return of Alma Shalabayeva to Italy - Kazakhstanhas offered to allow the detained wife of a fugitive dissident to return to Italy, from where she was illegally deported two months ago, but under conditions that experts said Rome would find difficult to accept.