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₽ 5.17 - Kazakh ambassador denies pushing Italy to deport dissident's wife. - On the Path of Ancestors. Star investigation: Drugged horses supplied to Kazakhstan slipping through ‘inadequate’ food

1 459 просмотрs - Kazakh ambassador denies pushing Italy to deport dissident's wife - Kazakhstan's ambassador to Rome on Wednesday denied his government had pressured the Italian interior minister to deport the wife and daughter of a dissident oligarch in a case that threatened to bring down the fragile coalition government.

Wall Street Journal - Asian Governments Commit to Strengthening Anti-Corruption Authorities - Countries in the Asia-Pacific region committed on Thursday to step up their efforts in fighting corruption. Four countries didn’t participate, according to a review of the attendees; China, Kazakhstan, Palau and Papua New Guinea didn’t appear on a list of participants. Australia had an observer at the seminar.

Bbj.huOn the Path of Ancestors – The “On the Path of the Ancestors” rally includes former ambassador to Kazakhstan and current vice-president of the Kazakhstan-Hungary Business Council János Németh and BRV-Phönix Ltd owner Tamás Vincze, among others interested in “strengthening historical connections with the Magyars’ descendants in the Argyn and Kypshak tribes; rendering assistance in the development of business contacts between Hungarian and Kazakh mass-media, chambers of commerce and industry in the Kostanai and Kyzylorda regions.”

Star investigationDrugged horses slipping through ‘inadequate’ food system - The horse “passport” Canada relies on to keep toxic meat off dinner tables around the world is open to fraud and error, a Star investigation reveals.

Plastemart Rominserv will provide project management consultancy services and training for the construction of an ample petrochemical complex in Kazakhstan - Rominserv, part of the Rompetrol Group, will provide project management consultancy services and training for the construction of an ample petrochemical complex in Kazakhstan, an investment exceeding US$6 bln. The complex is located in Atyrau, near KazMunayGas Refinery (installed processing capacity – 5.5 mln tons) and Tengiz, Karachaganak and Kashagan oilfields.

Allaboutfeed Kazakhstan’s 2013 grain harvest expected to be 15 mln tonnes - Kazakhstan, central Asia's largest grain producer, is expected to harvest around 15 million tonnes of grain by bunker weight this year, a senior Agriculture Ministry official said on Tuesday.

Financial Times - Kazakhstan opens way for return of Alma Shalabayeva to Italy - Kazakhstanhas offered to allow the detained wife of a fugitive dissident to return to Italy, from where she was illegally deported two months ago, but under conditions that experts said Rome would find difficult to accept.

July 26 2013, 10:04

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