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Kazakh border guards save drowning Russian poacher in Caspian

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Officers of Kazakhstan's border service have saved a Russian citizen who had fallen off a poaching boat in the Kazakh waters of the Caspian Sea, reports the agency media service.

According to the press release, a Kazakh patrol boat had detected and tried to stop a light watercraft of a model normally used by poachers in the Caspian Sea.

In an attempt to apprehend the tresspassers officers fired 9 warning shots from an AK-47 rifle.

Apparently to evade the pursue the poachers threw the man out into water and the boat rushed away at a high speed.

Officers pulled Russian citizen Abdulla Kurban-Magamedov out of water in some 35 miles from the coast. He says he had been sitting by the engine and fell out unintentionally after a strong jolting.

At the moment administrative procedures and decision making in relation to the citizen are under way.

IA Novosti-Kazakhstan

July 16 2013, 15:00

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