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15 injured in the group fight in Kashagan

4 128 просмотрs

Ak Zhaik got hold of a covered up information about a group fight that took place between local and Indian workers in the morning of September 27 on the artificial island D of the Kashagan oilfield in the Caspian Sea.

According to witnesses, the conflict developed during breakfast when an Indian spilled coffee on a Kazakh, or vice versa. In the result, the expatriate worker received a severe beating and later, by helicopter, was taken to onshore hospital. Then a crowd of Kazakh workers beat nearly 15 Indians. Following this all Indian nationals refused to turn up to work.

Police forces arrived at the island. For safety purposes about 600 Indian nationals have been isolated from their Kazakh colleagues.      

The media service of NCOC, the operator of the project, confirmed the fact of group fight between Kazakh and foreign employees. Yet, they refused to comment the situation until all the partner companies of the North Caspian Project approve the press release that has already been prepared.  


September 29 2012, 16:49

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