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Schlumberger accused of tax evasion

7 451 просмотрs

By Zulfiya Iskalieva

Financial police initiated a tax evasion probe into Tobearaloil LLP and Shlumberger Logelco Inc.
According to Kuanysh Izzhanov, the deputy head of Atyrau Oblast Department for Economic and Corruption-Related Crime Control (FinPol), some “pushful” businessmen conclude fictitious deals to increase the cost related part of their activity. By doing so, they evade taxes. This scheme, according to FinPol, was used by TobeAralOil LLP, which is accused of tax evasion for 121 million tenge and Shlumberger Logelco Inc. - for 688 million tenge. These sums were accrued during the period 2010-2012.
Schlumberger is a leading provider of oilfield services in the world. Schlumberger has been functioning in Kazakhstan since 1992 and offers services for drilling, seismic surveys, well logging, cementing, installation and maintenance of software. It collaborates with major oil companies operating in Kazakhstan.
May 1 2013, 13:33

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