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Aktobe suffers from shortage of young pilots

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Administration of the Aktobe School of Young Pilots complains about the lack of young romanticists in the oblast. That's why very few boys dream of becoming a pilot or an astronaut. 
"People don't talk on romantic subjects at home - about stars and space. Parents do not tell their sons "one day mankind will set a contact with extraterrestrial beings, and it will be you who will do that", says Aleksandr KURBANOV, the director of Young Pilots School. Every year the school selects 50 students. Only 10 of them remain by the end of academic year.

- Most of them do not stand exercises within our paramilitary training program. Soon after start they begin complaining about difficulties and return to their previous schools. If this continues, who will be developing Kazakhstan aviation and explore space in future? says Kurbanov.

This year recruitment will be conducted on October 3. We scheduled induction classes for boys and their parents on this day. 

Aktobe School of Young Pilots turns 45 this year. By today it has released 1,300 pilots and one austronaut, a test pilot, the Hero of Russian Federation Yuri LONCHAKOV.

September 26 2012, 17:13

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