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Embamunaygas: In strict compliance with procurement rules...

2 335 просмотрs

"Due to recent publications in mass media that put in question the legality of procurements in Embamunaygas JSC, we inform that procurement procedures in Embamunaygas JSC are carried out in strict compliance with the goods, works and services procurement rules provided by Samruk Kazyna National Wellbeing Fund JSC. Embamunaygas JSC strictly observes every item of the regulation in terms of free access to tenders for all potential contractors that comply with the technical specification requirements.

The publications mention some tenders Embamunaygas JSC had announced in 2010-2011. Currently, legitimacy of the activities of authorized people responsible for these tenders and service quality control provided upon the results of the contracts made, is being checked by E&P KMG internal audit service and relevant state agencies.

Also, at the moment, Department of Financial Police of Atyrau Oblast is conducting an inspection of Embamunaygas JSC, of which outcomes will be announced later."

Embamunaygas JSC media service

April 18 2013, 11:45

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