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Atyrau Oil & Gas 2013 to kick off tomorrow

2 183 просмотрs

By Laura Suleimenova

Two exhibitions will be opened on April 16 - traditional 12th North-Caspian regional expo - Atyrau Oil & Gas 2013 and another dedicated to construction - Atyrau Build 2013.

Atyrau Oil & Gas 2013 will take place on 16-18 April in Atyrau Sports Center [FOK], while Atyrau Build 2013 during the same days in a special temporary pavillion.

Ministry of oil and gas, Kazmunaygas National Company, akimats of Atyrau city and oblast have provided official support to the event. TCO LLP is the key sponsor.

150 companies from 15 nations worldwide, such as the UK, Germany, Denmark, Canada and the Netherlands will be represented at both expos.

The official opening is scheduled for 11.00 am.

Traditionally, OilTech Atyrau Conference will start in the Renaissance Hotel at the same time, preceded by an environmental and safety seminar, of which, the greater part is about  potential oil spills in the north of the Caspian Sea.

Much of the first day, the conference will be dedicated to the oil production at Kashagan scheduled for early June.

On April 17, local content issues, oil and gas transportation problems, drilling technologies, oil processing, petrochemistry and ANPZ [Atyrau Refinery] upgrade will be discussed.


April 15 2013, 17:50

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