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Jalpaktal villagers - district administration should go

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Dwellers of the village of Jalpaktal, in the West Kazakhstan Oblast, demanded that the akim of Kaztal District Ryspai Uteshev, his deputy and the district's internal policy head Kadirbek Mukanov leave their posts, reports Uralskaya Nedelya.

At an unauthorized protest rally, people of the settlement did not let the district akim to address his speech. His first words were howled down by raged people and a loud chanting "Go, go!"

At the gathering, residents of Jalpaktal expressed their strong outrage over arrogance they used to face when dealing with officials. Besides, men and women stated they have a great many of other issues to complain about.

As they said, the district akim and his subordinates avoid seeing Jalpaktal people when the latter want to discuss critical issues - officials treat people rudely and in indelicate way.

By and large, population of five okrugs [counties] of Kaztal District strongly opposed the recent decision of the province's administration to include Karasu county into the neighboring Zhangali District. 

Protesters say this will cut their access to water resources.

Nearly 200 people indignant with such an initiative gathered in front of Jalpaktal akimat on April 5.

The following day, the number of protesters grew up to 1000.

Deputy Governor Shapkenov promised he would deliver all claims voiced to Governor Nogayev and advise decisions made soon.

April 10 2013, 10:50

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