Atyrau, July 27 06:01
 clearВ Атырау +25
$ 474.83
€ 515.38
₽ 5.50

Atyrau traffic limited on Nauryz

2 537 просмотрs

Due to celebration of Nauryz Holiday, traffic in Atyrau will be limited for a few days, advised the city administration.

General solemnities will take place at the square of Issatai and Makhambet, therefore the right lane of Satpayev Avenue will be closed from Satpayev-Moldagulova to Satpayev-Yerniyazov.

All vehicles driving down from the central bridge to the European bank of the river Ural will be referred to the right to a bypass route via Pushkin Street.

Limitations at these streets will be effective from 8.00am, March 20 till 13.00, March 23. 




March 20 2013, 14:34

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