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Kazakhstan Foreign Ministry condemns scandalous Innocence of Muslims

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Kazakhstan Foreign Ministry. Photo by Danial Okassov©Kazakhstan Foreign Ministry condemns the scandalous film called Innocence of Muslims that triggered the attacks on U.S. embassies in Muslim countries, reports citing official representative of Kazakhstan Foreign Ministry Altay Abibullayev.

“We condemn the provocative film that insults religious feelings of all Muslims. Such provocations cause escalation of violence, rousing hatred between the religious and do not help a civilized dialog or enhancement of trust. Chairing the Foreign Ministers Council of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation we think that such actions boost religious intolerance. And we once again stress that the right to freedom of expression has to be executed responsibly,” official representative of Kazakhstan Foreign Ministry Altay Abibullayev said.

Earlier Kazakhstan Foreign Ministry condemned the attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi that resulted in the murder of the U.S. Ambassador. Kazakhstan called all the countries to rigorously perform their international obligations to ensure immunity of diplomats and diplomatic buildings and strongly denounced terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.

September 18 2012, 16:55

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