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Atyrau tries universal police

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Soon Atyrau Oblast will see an experiment - introduction of universal police - joint squads of traffic and patrol police officers.

To recall, similar pilot project already started last April in Pavlodar Oblast, later Zhambyl Oblast also adopted this initiative.

In Zhambyl, the number of police alarms rose 20% and street crime rate reduced 40% during the first month. What is more, traffic related death rate dropped 60% within the period. 

At the beginning, multipurpose officers went through some difficulties - road policemen had poor knowledge of patroling and their colleagues could hardly regulate traffic.

Work performance will be assessed by chief officers in police departments on a daily basis. This will help monitor condition of public order and crime prevention status in certain areas.

For now, universal 'cops' will work in Atyrau only, but highroads of republican and regional significance will continue being a road police prerogative.


March 7 2013, 11:02

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