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A Uralsk girl to represent Kazakhstan at World's Top Model Pageant

7 181 просмотрs

18 year-old Diana Abdrakhmanova from Uralsk will represent Kazakhstan at the international Top Model pageant in Egypt, writes Uralskaya Nedelya.

The contest will take place in March 2013 between models from 50 countries. The pageant location changes from year to year - for many years it was hosted by Germany and the very first one was in Miami. 

"One day I saw a Fresh Faces ad in the Internet. I applied and soon they accepted me. Over the course of the contest, I received several proposals from various foreign model agencies, says Diana explaining how she was spotted by the World Beauty Organization. - Right after the final of a contest in Barcelona, the director of Andreas von Estoff proposed me to be the brand's representative. At first I was surprised, because I never expected to be offered such an honored mission, but I had to reject it, as I already had a contract with Milan."

"We are flying to Egypt on March 18. Now getting prepared and very anxious," says Galina, Diana's mother. 

March 5 2013, 15:33

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