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Industrial Safety Training innovations

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The e-learning method of industrial safety training is discussed in Atyrau.

The Executive Board and representatives of various departments of regional department for emergency situations and delegates from large oil and gas and service companies in the oblast such as TCO, NCOC, NCPOC, Schlumberger, Worley Parsons, ESS, Bolashak-Atyrau, Cape, Baitau partners and others, as well as the management of UNICORN CCC LLP training center took part in the meeting of technical council specially organized for this matter.

The deputy chief of Atyrau Oblast Department of Emergency Situations Kabylbek Kystaubayev opened the meeting. In his speech he noted the relevancy of the matter. Moreover, as Atyrau oblast today is the leader in the country in performing high rates in oil and gas industry development for which safety issues on production are always on the first place.

The main report was done by the director of UNICORN CCC LLP T. Akhmet. It is worth noting that for a reason he made the speech. UNICORN CCC is the author of e-learning in industrial safety and Kazakhstan's first training center putting it into practice.

Please note: "In world practice distance learning plays increasingly significant role in education system. No doubt there are advantages. Firstly, there is no need to leave a workplace; training is conducted immediately at production work place. Secondly, it is simply a huge time saving. Well and the third is a saving of funds spent for travel and accommodation of employees. Speaking about efficiency, according to researches by US scientists, results of distance learning do not concede or even exceed results of traditional forms of training. After all the greater part of training materials is self-studied by individuals. It improves memorizing and understanding of learnt subjects. And the opportunity to use that knowledge in practice immediately helps consolidate them. Besides, during training the use of latest technologies makes it more interesting and more live."

And here should be mentioned the fact that makes us pleased is that the author of introduction of e-learning method of training in industrial safety in Kazakhstan is a company from Atyrau.

Summing up the meeting, all participants agreed with the relevance and necessity of introduction of e-learning method of training in industrial safety.

In other words, let the innovations be in regional education!

Press office of Atyrau Oblast Department of Emergency Situations.

(sponsored feature)

July 24 2013, 17:09

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