Atyrau, May 19 08:59
dullВ Атырау +21
$ 443.44
€ 480.51
₽ 4.88

​KASE morning session: USDKZT_TOD = 349.12 (+7.18)

1 392 просмотрs

Image 0The morning trading session in US dollar with T+0 in tenge (USDKZT_TOD), euro with T+0 in tenge (EURKZT_TOD) and US dollars (EURUSD_TOD), Chinese yuan with T+0 in tenge (CNYKZT_TOD) ended on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE). For the mentioned instruments this session is the main. 24 members of KASE currencies market traded in the session.

US dollar weighted average rate with T+0 settlements in tenge made up KZT349.12 per dollar (KZT+7.18), the trades volume – USD113,550 th. (USD-23,950 th.).

On euro with Т+0 settlements in tenge and US dollars no deals were made.

Quotes were absent at the session close.

Chinese yuan weighted average rate with T+0 settlements in tenge made up KZT53.3900 per yuan (KZT+1.1615), the trades volume – CNY100 th. (CNY-550 th.).

All trends are indicated relative to the previous morning session. If at the previous morning session no deals were made in a corresponding instrument or they were not traded, the trend is not indicated.


December 21 2015, 12:20

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