Atyrau, April 28 09:28
 clearВ Атырау +25
$ 443.35
€ 475.54
₽ 4.82

Dollar rate in currency exchangers of Astana makes 342 tenge, in Almaty - 338 tenge

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Image 0The maximum rate of dollar sale in the currency exchangers of Astana makes 342 tenge, purchase- 338 tenge per $1, in Almaty- 340 tenge and 338 tenge respectively.

The data were published on the sites and

Meanwhile the rate of dollar sale in Kazkommertsbank makes 339 tenge, purchase- 337 tenge, Halyk Bank- 339.52 tenge and 337.52 tenge
The rate fixed by the National Bank makes 322.47 tenge per $1 on December 15.

Source: kaztag

December 18 2015, 11:34

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