Atyrau, May 2 19:52
 clearВ Атырау +11
$ 442.05
€ 474.14
₽ 4.74

Auezov theater on tour in Atyrau soon

3 919 просмотрs

Laura Suleimenova

September 19-28, Makhambet Utemissov Theater of Drama in Atyrau will host a guest performance by Academic Drama Theatre named after Mukhtar Auezov from Almaty.

Ten plays will be performed in the city's drama theatre and a part of the actors will travel to the village of Makhambet on September 22 to stage a free of charge spectacle called 'Girl's Mood' (Kyz Munu) dedicated to 1986 December Events in Almaty.

Director of Auezov Theatre Talgat Yessenaliyev says to Atyrau will come a large group of seventy performers among which are cinema, TV and theater stars Assanali Ashimov, Meruert Utekesheva, Kuman Tastanbekov, Gaziza Abdinabiyeva, Toleubek Aralbai, Azamat Satybaldy, Bakhtiyar Kozha, Danagul Temirsultanova, Bekzhan Turys, Saltanat Bakayeva, Kymbat Tuleuova, Gulnaz Zhakupova and others.

Performance will be given in the Kazakh language and simultaneously translated into Russian.


September 18 2013, 17:14

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