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Kazakhstan to raise taxes

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Kazakhstan will raise taxes, Minister of Economy Erbolat Dossayev said at a government session, reports.

Development of the Bill "On Modification and Additions to Some Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan concerning Taxation" is caused by the need to execute personal instructions of the Head of State, including given in the address to the people of Kazakhstan, implementation of the Concept of new budgetary policy and decisions of Consulting Council on taxation questions.

"The bill includes increase of rates: property tax of individuals, land tax, tax on vehicles for cars with an engine capacity from 3,000 to 4,000 cubic cm, excises on cigarettes starting 2015, excises on alcoholic products starting 2014," Dossayev said.

Also, a number of amendments directed on improvement of tax administration, quality of service of taxpayers, decrease in administrative barriers and business climate improvement is prepared.

August 28 2013, 15:18

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