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Mass bathing in fountain on Children's Day

1 616 просмотрs

By Anastassiya Pastukhova

On June 1, Atyrau saw a large public bathing of children, teenagers and adults in the fountain located before the oblast administration building.

To mark the Children's Day, a great many people went into the water in one go, fortunately, the weather was hot.

As it turned, the idea to soak every passer-by was of a 17-year-old city citizen Rustem Zhumashev:

"I did not expect my challenge in social networks would find so much supporters. Nobody hesitated to jump into the fountain, especially, children liked it very much. That's what I wanted - to make kids happy on this day, and their parents as well. Although we are big, we are all children once in a while."


June 3 2013, 10:08

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