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Master class in maternity hospital

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By Laura Suleimenova

The nurses from Vilnius, the capital city of Lithuania, delivered a two-week master class in Atyrau Oblast Maternity Hospital. During the training the invited nurses shared their experience on how to care about prematurely born babies.

According to Ulzhan Khassanova, the chief physician of Atyrau oblast maternity hospital, correct care given to prematurely born babies is the main factor of their survival. During two weeks 55 local nurses from the city and regional maternity hospitals improved their qualification on proper care to newborns with low-birth-weight.

They learnt the theory and practice of new methods to assess newborns’ condition, providing proper care to babies maintained on artificial ventilation of lungs, and small premature infants.

– We provide surgical service to infants with congenital defects in our maternity hospital. Due to this we learnt how to give care to such infants in post-operative period, how to prevent hospital infections, as well as considered the relationships between the relatives of a sick newborn and the hospital personnel. Today, after the master class, our nurses already started to actively apply the skills they learnt, – says doctor Khassanova.

The current master classes, as well as the previous ones with participation of experts from Belarus, Lithuania and Germany became possible due to financial support from ExxonMobil Kazakhstan Inc. These training sessions will continue in 2013.

ExxonMobil also handed over fetal monitors to central hospitals of Kurmangazy, Kyzylkoga, Zhyloy, Inder and Makat districts, to city policlinics No. 1, 2 and 5, and city and regional maternity hospitals.

According to Doctor Khassanova, with the use of these monitors the obstetricians-gynecologists will be able to identify in early stages any changes in the cardiac function of newborns and deliver emergency medical help to newborns.

April 12 2013, 11:51

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