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​ Atyrau athlete wins in America

912 просмотрs

Aybek Abdilov from Atyrau, who won many tournaments in America, told about his life in another country.

 Talented athlete Aybek Abdilov from an early age dreamed of raising the blue flag abroad. He has been professionally involved in sports since the age of 10.

Before going to America, the athlete won the most significant Sambo competition - the World Cup-and was awarded the title of "Master of sports of international class". He won tournaments of different levels in judo.

 As a child, Aybek dreamed of going to America. This dream was achieved by visiting a special training camp organized by the sports federation. After arriving in America, he took part in various tournaments and won prizes. In a short time, he won 3 tournaments.

 Aybek, a 24-year-old native of Atyrau, won silver at the Golden State Open judo tournament, and won the All Americas Jiu-jitsu Tournament and the American Grappling Tournament in jiu-jitsu.

 - America has created all the conditions for playing sports. There is an opportunity to constantly exchange experience, especially with the strongest martial artists in the world. For this, the level of competition in this country is very high. I think it's a dream of any athlete, " says Aybek

 Now Aibek's goal is to take part in the world competitions in America and take the podium.


November 22 2023, 16:35

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